學術著作 Publications
Yen-Fen Tseng. 2022. “The Importance of Cultural and Social Domain in Evaluating Migration Outcomes: Settlement intentions among Taiwanese skilled migrants in Tokyo and Hong Kong,” Asian Population Studies, Volume 18, Issue 2: 113-128.
曾嬿芬、鄧建邦(2021)成為遷移者:台灣年輕人跨國職涯發展與遷移潛力 。《人口學刊》,第63期:51-97。
Hof, Helena and Yen-Fen Tseng (2021) “When Global Talents Struggle to Become Local Workers: The New Face of Skilled Migration to Corporate Japan and Its Paradoxes,” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 29 (4):511-531.
Yen-Fen Tseng (2021) “Becoming Global Talent? Taiwanese White-Collar Migrants in Japan,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(10):2288-2304.
"How Do Identity Matter? Taiwanese Cultural Workers in China" in Broder Crossing in Greater China: Production, Community and Identity. Newyork: Routledge.
"Escalator or Merry-go-round? Taiwanese Skilled Migration in China" in Taiwan and the 'China Impact': Challenges and Opportunities. Newyork: Routledge.
"Governing Migrant Workers at a Distance: Managing the Temporary Status of Guestworkers in Taiwan" International Migration 51(4):1-19
"Reconfiguring citizenship and nationality: Dual citizenship of Taiwanese migrants in China" Citizenship Studies 15(2):265-282
"Shanghai Rush: Skilled Migrants in a Fantasy City" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(5):765-784
"Governing Germs from Outside and Within Borders: Controlling SARS Risk in Taiwan" in Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia. London: Duke University Press.
〈重新思考公民身分的政治面向:移居中國之台灣人公民身分為例〉政治與社會哲學評論 32: 93-143
"Rethinking Residential Assimilation: The Case of a Chinese Ethnoburb in the San Gabriel Valley, California" Amerasia journal 34(3):55-83
〈SARS的風險治理:超越技術模型〉台灣社會學 11:57-109
〈誰能打開國界的門?移民政策的階級主義〉台灣社會研究季刊 61:73-107
〈引進外籍勞工的國族政治〉臺灣社會學刊 32:1-58
"From "Us" to "Them": Diasporic Linkages and Identity Politics" Identities 9(3):383-404
"Regrounding the ‘Ungrounded Empires’:localization as the geographical catalyst for transnationalism" Global Networks 1(2):131 - 154
"The Mobility of Entrepreneurs and Capital: Taiwanese Capital‐Linked Migration" International Migration 38(2):143 - 168
"Immigration Consulting Firms in Taiwanese Business Immigration" Asian and Pacific migration journal: 6(3-4):275-294.
〈居留權商品化:台灣的商業移民市場〉台灣社會研究季刊 27:37-67
"Beyond “Little Taipei”: The Development of Taiwanese Immigrant Businesses in Los Angeles" International Migration Review 29(1):33-58.
"Chinese Ethnic Economy: San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County" Journal of Urban Affairs 16(2):169 - 189.
會議發表 Conference Papers
“Transforming exclusive migration regime? Opportunities and challenges of reforming Taiwanese immigration policy”, accepted to be presented at International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Australia, Melbourne, June 25- July 1, 2023.
The Institutionalization of Temporariness: Taiwan's Skilled Immigration Policy and Its Consequences, 3rd SNUAC-NTUGARC Joint Migration Workshop, Seoul National University, April, 2023
“Desirable Students, Ideal Foreign Skilled Workers, but Unwanted Settlers? Migration Trajectories of International Students-Turned-Migrants in Taiwan,” presented at NTU Global Asia Research Center- SNU Asian Center Joint Migration Workshop, Online Meeting, July 1, 2021.
“Limits of Immigration Reforms in Taiwan,” 2020,台灣人口學會年會,台灣大學。
“New Economic Immigration Policy in Taiwan,” paper presented at International Workshop on New Immigration Trends in East Asia, Academia Sinica, September 2nd to 3rd , 2019.
“Transforming Exclusionary Migration Regime? New Directions of Migration Policy in Taiwan,” presented at Japanese Sociological Society Annual Meeting, October 5th to 6th, 2019
“Becoming Foreign Talent: Taiwanese Skilled Migrants in Japan,” paper presented at International Conference on “The Question of Skills in Cross-Border Labor Mobility”, organized by Asian Migration Cluster at the National University of Singapore and the Migration and the Citizenship Research Group of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, September 20th to 21st, 2018.
“Being Part of Asia to Japan,” paper presented at Japanese Sociological Society and Taiwanese Sociological Association Joint Session, Kyoto University, December 3rd, 2018.
“Drifting Between Global Cities: Taiwanese Young Skilled migrants in East Asia,” paper presented at international panel of Taiwanese Population Association Annual Meeting, April 14th,,2019.
應邀演講 Invited Talk
Marriage migration to East Asia, 10/22/2020, UCLA Course on Asian Community via Zoom.
“De facto immigrants forever? How Taiwan skills-based immigration policy institutionalizes temporariness of skilled migrants,” talk given at Division of Sociology, Kyoto University, July 7, 2022.